Marketing executive Job full and part time

Marketing executives play a crucial role in driving profits and promoting products and services through well-coordinated marketing campaigns. Here’s what you can expect as a marketing executive:

Role Overview:

  • Responsibilities: Marketing executives are responsible for various tasks, including creating brand awareness, communicating with target audiences, developing marketing plans, advertising, content creation, social media management, event organization, sponsorship, and more.
  • Variability: Your specific role can vary based on the organization’s size, sector, and focus, whether it’s product sales or raising awareness of public issues. You might also be known as a marketing officer or coordinator.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Brand Development: Develop and enhance the brand you’re marketing.
  • Audience Communication: Build and nurture customer relationships and communicate with target audiences.
  • Marketing Plans: Assist in creating marketing plans, advertising, and campaigns.
  • Advertising: Source advertising opportunities and place ads in various media.
  • Creative Collaboration: Collaborate with creative agencies for marketing material design.
  • Content Creation: Write and proofread marketing copy for online and print campaigns, including videos and blog posts.
  • Social Media: Manage social media channels.
  • Event Management: Organize and attend events, as well as secure sponsorships.
  • Distribution: Coordinate the effective distribution of marketing materials.
  • Data Management: Maintain and update customer databases.
  • Market Research: Conduct market research through questionnaires and focus groups.
  • Stakeholder Relations: Develop relationships with key stakeholders, both internal and external.

With Experience:

  • Strategy Development: Develop and implement marketing strategies.
  • Performance Evaluation: Evaluate and review marketing campaigns, advertising, and SEO for effectiveness.
  • Budget Management: Oversee and manage the marketing budget.
  • Competitor Analysis: Monitor and report on competitor activity.
  • Agency Leadership: Lead external agencies for effective event management, press relationships, and online activities.


  • Entry Level: Marketing assistants typically start with salaries of £18,000 to £22,000.
  • Mid-Level: Marketing executives can earn between £20,000 to £30,000.
  • Senior Roles: Senior marketing executives may earn £30,000 to £45,000, while marketing directors can earn over £100,000.
  • Additional Benefits: Many positions offer profit-sharing schemes, medical insurance, gym memberships, company cars, and bonuses.

Working Hours:

  • Typically, work hours are from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
  • However, evening and weekend work may be required for events and major campaigns.

What to Expect:

  • You’ll mostly work in an office but will attend meetings, events, and exhibitions.
  • Socializing with stakeholders and clients to build relationships may be necessary.
  • Self-employment and freelance opportunities exist for experienced marketers.
  • Jobs are more common in larger towns and cities.


  • A degree or HND in fields like advertising, business, communications, IT, marketing, or psychology is useful.
  • Relevant postgraduate qualifications can be beneficial but are not essential.
  • Marketing apprenticeships and professional qualifications from organizations like CIM are available.


  • Communication, commercial awareness, creativity, analytical thinking, and teamwork are essential.
  • IT and social media skills are valuable, and foreign language ability can be helpful for multinational companies.
  • Personal qualities and relevant work experience are also crucial.

Work Experience:

  • Relevant work experience, such as marketing assistant or junior marketing executive roles, is usually required.
  • Seek vacation work, placements, or part-time jobs in marketing-related areas.
  • Build a network of contacts and gain experience during placements or integrated placement years.


  • Marketing opportunities are available across various sectors, including finance, consumer goods, technology, and nonprofit organizations.
  • Full-service marketing agencies also offer positions.
  • Job vacancies can be found through job boards, recruitment agencies, and speculative applications.

Professional Development:

  • Training often occurs on the job, and some larger companies have graduate training schemes.
  • Continuing professional development is essential and typically includes attending events, short courses, reading trade publications, and pursuing professional qualifications.
  • CIM and other organizations offer various qualifications at different levels.

Career Prospects:

  • Marketing careers offer a structured progression from marketing executive to senior roles.
  • Professional qualifications and experience are crucial for senior marketing positions.
  • Opportunities to switch between in-house departments, agencies, or sectors exist.
  • Specializing in areas like event management or public relations is possible.
  • Other career options include freelancing or transitioning to roles in sales, advertising, or PR.

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